The visualized drums in the interface combine auditioning of sounds and drumkit construction. The extensive drag and drop MIDI-library (featuring 2000+ MIDIfiles) enables users to create a great drum-track in just a few clicks. For more advanced handling, users can control microphone bleeding and levels between drums using the internal mixer. The mixer also allows stereo and multitrack routing into the host through one single plug-in, and thanks to the second generation Toontrack Percussive Compression (TPC), system requirements are kept to a minimum. Features:
* Ranges from entry level usability to pro handling.
* Multiple microphone control.
* TPC G2 reduces system requirements to a minimum.
* Operates in General MIDI.
* Internal mixer allows stereo and multi-track routing into the host through one single plug-in.
* Preset mix modes for quick sound changes.
* Interface visualizes the drums loaded and combines auditioning and kit construction.
* Drums recorded at Avatar Studios, New York by world-class drummers and producers.
* Instant access to a large library of drum patterns with pre-listening, quick browsing and drag'n'drop functionality.
* The humanizer function combines drum hit randomizing and non-cycling.
* Velocity sweep allows instant seamless velocity changes from 1-127.
* Possibilities for the user to add their own MIDIfiles to the library.
Install The EZ Drummer (Host) first before Updating.
Download HERE. Password :
or Here : HotFIle
bang,, gimana cara extract file nya,,,?? cara instal filenya gimana,,?
BalasHapusmasih bingung.. soalnya klau aq buka filenya pke aplikasi winRar tidak bisa... mungkin ada yg mau di ubah atau apa lah,,, tolng ksih tau ya bang,,,
owh itu cm updatenya doanq . . . lox mo install kudu download HOST nya dulu
BalasHapusdi bagian lain blog ini ada EZDrummer HOST koq
btw winRAR nya pake Password sob . . .
itu passwornya udah ak cantumin tinggal di copy paste kan
instalasinya seperti instalasi program biasa :)
mantap bang..
BalasHapusThanks :)
BalasHapusini ez toontrack apa software utamanya gan??ane masih agak bingung ttg ezdrum.mohon pencerahannya
BalasHapusfiley "bukan" berbentuk rar. ...
gmn cara ekstrakya...???
Ini hanya Updatenya mas, bukan HOST . . . :)
BalasHapusfile nya lox ber-ekstensi "update" tinggal dimasukkan aja di folder tempat kita install EZ Drummer :)
bang q udd download yg di kaskus nich.......
BalasHapusudd gt q instal ko g keluar icon nya ea mas,,,,,,
maaf mas masih newbi nich.......
mohon lampu nya mas,,,,,
@ Anonim : urutan instalasinya begini mas . . .
BalasHapus1. Install EZ Drummer (Host)
2. Install Updater EZ Drummer (yg ada di posting ini)
3. Install EZX (expansion kit) yg mas mau pasang
seperti itu mas, & EZ Drummer gag ada ICONnya tp udah terdeteksi saat me-load VSTi dari DAW
Gak ngerti nih update ny..
BalasHapusTinggal simpen di folder instal an ny aj..?
trus jalanin ez drummer ny..?
Tw drmana dia udah ngupdate ?
kan di interface EZ Drummer di pojok kanan bawah ada tulisan versinya mas -_-a
BalasHapuslox udah update brrti versinya bakal brubah . . . :)
mas download hostnya dimana sih infonya mas..
Mas kq udah gx ada updateny, udh d deleted,,..
HapusTlong d upload lg mas,..