Bhahahahahahaa . . . . . lox udah urusan dengan Team Air pasti pada semangat ney ^^ LOL, yup . . . here's another VSTi yg mo ak bagi-bagi buat temen-temen yg ngunjungin blogku hhe . . .
OK . . . berikut adl sedikit ulasan tentang VSTi ini
Acclaimed trumpet and trombone models
Four-part multi-timbrality in Live mode ( V 2.0 )
Harmonization module to control the polyphonic multi-timbral instrumentkits (60 kits) ( V 2.0 )
Customize instrument characteristics
(musical style, attack,use static or dynamic mutes, humanize?
New ė°·rassing?effect used in trumpets and trombones (tightens up attacks)
( V 2.0 )
New organisation of MIDI controls allowing easier editing and
better control (includes support for the Akai EWI) ( V 2.0 )
New set of presets, riffs and kits: 75 presets,160 riffs & 60 kits (V 2.0)
Place the instruments in a virtual stereo space with optional ambience
Virtual instrument playable through a MIDI keyboard
Three physically modeled Brass instruments: Trumpet, Trombone and Saxophone
LIVE Mode with total control over expressiveness through extensive MIDI
RIFF Mode with more than 500 modifiable pre-recorded MIDI phrases in many
different styles (Jazz, Funk, Latino, Reggae, Zouk, Salsa, R n Blues, ?
Configuration of the instruments : 4 attack and 4 vibrato types, material,
Import and export riff presets from and to MIDI files
Changes in v2.0.5
MIDI control tab was redesigned in order to show MIDI activity
meters for each instrument and a Breath Control gauge.
EWI-USB configuration dialog problems were fixed.
the saxophone problems encountered in Fruity Loops were fixed.
And other minor bug fix
Nah bingung kan . . . :p LOL
Ak juga . . . LoL :D
Berikut Proses Instalasinya :
1) Unzip, Unrar dan jalankan Setup.exe
2) Jalankan keygen and install license
(Keygen tidak akan berjalan jika program belum selesai instalasi atau eLicenser sedang aktif!!)
3) Enjoy Team AiR release !!!
Minimum requirement untuk menggunakan VSTi ini 2Ghz DualCore CPU
berikut download LINKnyaDOWNLOAD PART1DOWNLOAD PART2atau disiniNYEDOT PART1NYEDOT PART2PASSWORD : sexycandy@vstclubPERHATIAN BAGI PENGGUNA HYPERSONIC1/2 karena VSTi sekarang menggunakan eLicenser yg crash dengan licenseControlCentre, so untuk menggunakan VSTi yang terbaru belum bisa berjalan dengan hypersonic1/2jangan lupa kasih komentar :D hhe